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Thrive Request a Demo ONLINE COURSE OVERVIEW Student success is more than standards and test scores. Join Dr. Debbie Silver as she uses practical examples and research-based strategies to guide teachers and parents in nurturing socially and emotionally healthy students ready for future challenges. In this online course, Debbie focuses on integrating social emotional learning…

200 Milliseconds: The Neuroscience of Bias

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200 Milliseconds: The Neuroscience of Bias Request a Demo ONLINE COURSE OVERVIEW An expert on brain science, Horacio Sanchez shares how the brain produces bias, how that bias subconsciously affects how we interact with others, and what we can do to fight against negative bias in our schools and lives. By understanding and appreciating the…


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Potential: Educating, Activating and Motivating Black and Latino Male Students Request a Demo ONLINE COURSE OVERVIEW In this new master class, award-winning author and international speaker Robert Jackson explains the importance of caring adults’ influence in the success of black and Latino students. He discusses factors such as trauma, unconscious bias and mental health that impact…

We, Not Me: Building Empathetic Learners 

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We, Not Me: Building Empathetic Learners Request a Demo ONLINE COURSE OVERVIEW Dr. Michele Borba is passionate about teaching empathy to students. Children arehard-wired for empathy, but it can lie dormant if not taught. In this master class,Dr. Borba teaches 9 habits to increase empathy and inspire “we, not me” thinking.Learn how empathy supports learning,…

Teaching Children for Resiliency

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Teaching Children for Resiliency Request a Demo ONLINE COURSE OVERVIEW Our students are troubled. Before the pandemic, 1 in 5 children suffered from amental health disorder. Today, that statistic has increased to 1 in 3 children. Aseducators, what can we do? In this master class, Dr. Michele Borba explains whyteaching students resilience can help combat…


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Self-Regulation Request a Demo ONLINE COURSE OVERVIEW We all have challenges in our lives, and most of us don’t have formal training onhow to respond. Brad Chapin discusses the why, what and how of self-regulationand provides proven methods for increasing success in the face of challenge. Hereviews the set of skills necessary to help students…

Acting-In Challenges

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Acting-In Challenges Request a Demo ONLINE COURSE OVERVIEW Anxiety, OCD, mood disorders and Asperger’s Syndrome can cause significantinternal distress for students, sometimes to the point of disrupting others. MikePaget shares proven strategies that educators can implement to build relationshipswith students who experience acting-in disorders to help them navigate thechallenges of growing up. Training Modules:Introduction |…

Acting-Out Challenges

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Acting-Out Challenges Request a Demo ONLINE COURSE OVERVIEW Mike Paget reviews ADHD, ODD and conduct disorder and how educators canhelp students impacted by these acting-out challenges to gain the social andemotional confidence to manage themselves. He suggests accommodationsto implement and emphasizes the critical role adults play in helping challengingstudents achieve success in the classroom and…

Valuing Diversity 

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Valuing Diversity Request a Demo ONLINE COURSE OVERVIEW LTC Consuelo Castillo Kickbusch shares her personal story of challenges andtriumphs as a child of the “barrio” who succeeded in spite of many cultural, socialand educational obstacles. She examines how appreciating diverse cultures andtheir contributions to today’s society is a very important element of teambuildingand creating a…

Emotional Intelligence

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Emotional Intelligence Request a Demo ONLINE COURSE OVERVIEW Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand, manage and use your emotionsin a pro-active and positive way to build, maintain and repair relationships. Inthis master class, Dr. Brian Dinkins discusses the four emotional intelligencecompetencies and shares strategies for teachers so they can manage stress,communicate effectively and support…