Lost Boys: Closing the Academic Gender Gap

Strategies to help boys excel in school and beyond

Boys are more likely to drop out of school, and make up only 43 percent of college students. Millions of boys are being lost along the path to academic success and career achievement in today’s knowledge economy. Teacher bias regarding behavior, rather than academic performance, penalizes boys as early as kindergarten. On average, boys receive lower behavioral assessment scores, and those scores affect teachers’ overall perceptions of boys’ intelligence and achievement.

Rather than penalize boys’ high energy – as traditional classroom methods often do – successful teachers are learning to take advantage of male liveliness, curiosity and thirst for competition. Unless educators stop to consider whether traditional methods are working for both genders, boys will continue to get the short end of the educational stick.

This powerful one-day on-site training helps teachers and administrators understand the structural, chemical and processing differences between boys’ and girls’ brains. It helps educators support boys’ developmental needs, while teaching them social /emotional competencies. Attendees will discover innovative strategies, as well as group and individual interventions, to help boys achieve their highest academic potential.

Teachers, counselors, administrators and other educators will leave with practical tools to support developmental needs and specific activities to get boys learning while reducing their risk for academic failure, dropping out and underachievement.

Learning Objectives  

  • Explain how boys’ brains work including the chemistry and structure
  • Identify the differences in the ways girls and boys focus
  • Recognize the role of hormones, specifically testosterone and dopamine
  • Demonstrate classroom strategies to support boys’ developmental needs
  • Contrast the difference between natural aggression and bullying


Boys make up 80 percent of school discplinary referrals.

Explore effective strategies to improve boys’ interaction and success in the classroom.

What Attendees Have to Say

"The presenter is clearly extremely well educated on this topic and did an excellent job. This is by far the best training I have been to in over 30 years of teaching."
Middle School Teacher
Richmond, VA
"This was an excellent seminar. I learned so many practical strategies to help my male students. This information should be brought to every school."
Middle School Counselor
Houston, TX
"The information on the the male and female brain as well as the chemical and structural differences between the two was extremely insightful and will help me be a better teacher!"
Elementary School Teacher
Cincinnati, OH
"I've been searching for ways to improve my effectiveness as a teacher to the boys in my classes and I've finally found some methods that will help me!"
High School Counselor
Jacksonville, FL



Steph Jensen, MS, LPC

Steph Jensen AccuTrain
Steph Jensen, MS, LPC

*In case of an emergency, another qualified presenter will substitute

Steph Jensen is an award-winning author and international speaker recognized for her insight and with research, practical strategies and humor to address challenging behaviors and build positive relationships with kids. She has held positions as classroom teacher, education consultant and international speaker. She holds a master’s degree in clinical counseling, focusing her efforts on adolescent and family issues.

In recent years, Stephanie has applied her passion for adolescents to focus on the dynamics of relational aggression, social-emotional learning, and positive behavior interventions. Stephanie is currently the Director of Community Contracts for Boys Town in Boys Town, NE. She is the author of Thrive in the Hive: Surviving the Girl’s World of Good and Bad Relationship Bee-haviors, Mom’s Choice Award-winning Princess Priscilla and the Bully-Bee DayPrincess Priscilla and the Mood Ring Rainbow and her latest Princess Priscilla and the Great Beezilla!

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