Responsibility-Centered Discipline

Strengthening Students' Muscle of Self Control

When it comes to classroom management, how many “programs” have you experienced that are designed to reward or punish students for their behavior? How did they work? Consequences do not equal accountability and rarely result in sustainable behavior change. So as educators, how can we handle the frequent fliers and repeat offenders? 

By implementing a responsibility-centered culture, we create an environment that puts the emphasis on students carrying the weight of solving their own behavioral challenges. Refocusing the discipline approach from external control to internal control is a major paradigm shift — moving from “making someone behave” to “taking ownership of one’s behavior.” Learning to be in control of one’s emotions and actions, and having the ability to self-regulate, even in the most difficult situations, has benefits that extend well beyond the classroom and the school.

Responsibility-Centered Discipline (RCD) was created by Larry Thompson and is designed to assist all educators with identifying and addressing issues that affect the academic and behavioral progress of the students with whom they work. This power-packed learning program will provide you with up-to-date insights and strategies for reaching and helping those young people who seem to evoke the strongest feelings of frustration, hurt and sometimes discouragement in professional educators.

Learning Objectives:
  • Identify the underlying causes of difficult behaviors in students
  • Implement do’s and dont’s to address specific behaviors
  • Integrate key strategies for migrating from an obedience-centered approach
  • Develop innovative ways to support positive behavior
  • Apply strategies for preventing the escalation of difficult behavior


Build a responsibility-centered culture at your school.

Developing a culture of responsibility empowers students to own their actions, create solutions for improving behaviors and achieve academic success. The benefits of learning how to self-regulate extend well beyond the classroom and pay limitless dividends.

What Attendees Have to Say

“RCD completely changed my school. In the first year, it reduced the total number of written office referrals from teachers to three, and we eliminated detention. Don’t ever question what you do. RCD is the best practical, real-world solution that works – on the toughest issues that schools face.”
Crookston, MN
“I have had the best school year in 13 years…because of RCD. I was finally able to achieve what I always knew was possible – with students taking responsibility and thriving in our classroom and in life as a result.”
“The RCD discipline system has changed our school climate. Our office referrals are down by 50 percent, and I am having the best conversations with students and parents since I became a principal.”
Felicity, OH
“Responsibility-Centered Discipline has transformed my classroom management in a way I could have never imagined. I used to write so many referrals every year. Now, I only write them for safety reasons or complete non-compliance. Thank you, Larry Thompson!”
Bossier City, LA



Larry Thompson, M.Ed.

Larry Thompson AccuTrain
Larry Thompson, M.Ed.

*In case of an emergency, another qualified presenter will substitute

A recognized thought leader on supportive and non-exclusionary discipline practices, Larry Thompson, M.Ed., is often called upon to deliver keynote presentations for state and national education conferences because of his knowledge, humor and passion for assisting today’s students. He has helped thousands of educators and schools throughout North America break away from their traditional discipline models to a model that creates a responsible climate and responsible students. Larry has served in a wide variety of roles in education – from special education teacher to alternative and traditional high school principal. As creator of the Responsibility-Centered Discipline program, Larry understands that systems must be created that can be realistically implemented and sustained. He is the author of Give ’em Five (Elementary & Secondary) and Roadmap to Responsibility.

Brian Dinkins, Ed.S.

Brian Dinkins
Brian Dinkins, Ed.S.

*In case of an emergency, another qualified presenter will substitute

Brian Dinkins is CEO of the National Institute for Child Empowerment, an organization that provides parents and students in disenfranchised communities with training, mentoring and advocacy to increase access to college and careers. Raised by a single mother in the inner city of Indianapolis, he didn’t perform well academically in high school. With the support of teachers, coaches and mentors, he earned a B.A. from Purdue, where he played football for the Big Ten Champion Boilermakers. Brian has served as a teacher, coach and principal in urban settings at a traditional public school, two charter schools and at a faith-based school. He is an RCD Certified Master Trainer, an associate professor and Director of Experiential Program for Preparing School Principals (EPPSP) at Butler University.

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