We, Not Me: Building Empathetic Learners


Dr. Michele Borba is passionate about teaching empathy to students. Children are
hard-wired for empathy, but it can lie dormant if not taught. In this master class,
Dr. Borba teaches 9 habits to increase empathy and inspire “we, not me” thinking.
Learn how empathy supports learning, well-being and reduces aggression – and
how educators can promote it in their classrooms.

Training Modules:
Introduction | Empathy is Teachable | Empathy Learning Culture
Emotional Literacy | Moral Identity | Perspective-Taking | Moral Imagination
Self-Regulation | Practicing Kindness | Collaboration | Moral Courage
Leadership | Conclusion

About the Instructor

Dr. Michele Borba is an internationally renowned educator, award-winning author and parenting child expert recognized for her solution-based strategies to strengthen children’s character, resilience and reduce peer cruelty. A sought-after motivational speaker, she has spoken in 19 countries and five continents, and served as a consultant to hundreds of schools and corporations. Dr. Borba is a former classroom and special education teacher with a wide range of teaching experience, including work in a private practice with children with learning and emotional disabilities.