Intentional Self-Regulation Skills for Managing Stress and Building Resilience

Self-care skills that support teacher well-being

The COVID-19 pandemic negatively affected the physical and mental health of many individuals.  Personally and professionally, individuals are experiencing toxic levels of stress due to the following: 

  • High levels of physical and emotional threat for an extended period of time
  • Needs exceeding existing coping resources
  • Trauma exposure
  • Isolation
  • Loss and grief
  • Burnout & moral injury


These experiences have a profound impact on job performance, our health and relationships. Additionally, even if the physical threat of the illness subsides, the emotional impact of the pandemic is likely to linger.  Most individuals are managing significant and unprecedented challenges without the benefit of formal training or the skills to manage effectively. However, individuals can benefit from developing advanced regulation skills and resiliency.  

Resilience refers to how well an individual, or system, can bounce back, or even grow, in response to challenges.  Resilient people tend to be more balanced, maintain a healthier outlook and cope with stress more effectively.  

Learning Objectives 

Participants will gain clarity by moving beyond vague advice on how to manage challenge to developing a clear, practical skill set.  This will increase the participant’s ability to navigate challenges more successfully.  Participants will grow and leave with a personal plan with emphasis in three areas of skill development:

  1. Physical Regulation – A clear awareness of physical warning signs and master effective ways to promote a sense of emotional safety 
  2. Emotional Regulation – Identification, healthy expression, and empowering ownership of emotions
  3. Cognitive Regulation – Identify and challenge unhealthy thinking patterns, encourage optimism, and how to get psychological needs met in healthy ways


Program Format

The recommended setting for this program is in-person using a classroom setting or large conference space.  The program is a combination of teaching concepts, individual practice and small group work.  The breakout sessions allow participants to practice skills development in a small group setting.   

  • Includes skills for recovery and resilience
  • Full-day workshop allows for deeper understanding, skill development, and application
  • Prepares the individual with skills to apply in their own situations and also to be a resources for their team 


Prioritize educators' mental wellness and ability to effectively handle stress.

Provide your educators with practical self-care strategies to help them manage challenges successfully in and out of the classroom.

What Attendees Have to Say

"This seminar taught me a new way approach to behavior management and teaching. I can't wait to use it in the classroom!"
School Counselor
Seattle, WA
"This training is so relevant to challenges I face in my classroom. I feel like I've finally found strategies that I can use in class that will work!"
High School Teacher
Savannah, GA
"The presenter held everyone's attention and was very engaging. The information was insightful and well-researched. I am excited to implement these strategies on my campus."
High School Principal
Anderson, IN
"I learned so many skills and intervention strategies to use in class. I gained so much I can immediately use. This is an awesome training!"
High School Counselor
New Orleans, LA



Brad Chapin, LCP, MLP

brad chapin self regulation public seminar accutrain
Brad Chapin, LCP, LMLP

*In case of an emergency, another qualified presenter will substitute

Brad Chapin is a masters level psychologist and a recognized thought leader in the area of Self-Regulation. He is also Director of Clinical Services at a large regional medical center. The author of four books including Helping Young People Learn Self-Regulation, Brad is the creator of the Self-Regulation Training System. He is an international speaker, blogger and consultant on utilizing engaging, creative interventions from an evidence-based framework to help children succeed.

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