A Crucial Factor in Reducing Chronic Absenteeism

A Crucial Factor in Reducing Chronic Absenteeism

Schools fighting a surge in chronically absent students should focus on strengthening the bonds they have with parents, according to recent research. Schools that had the strongest ties with families before the recent rise in chronic absenteeism are less likely to be experiencing those high absence levels today, according to Education Week. These are some…

Two NYC After-School Programs Teach Students About Healthy Eating

Want to Fix Bad Behavior?Stop Punishing Students

The Hip Hop H.E.A.L.S., or Healthy Eating and Living in Schools, after-school program was developed last year by Columbia University neurologist Olajide Williams and hip hop artist Doug E. Fresh to use music to help teach students about healthy eating, according to Chalkbeat New York. This is one of two after-school healthy eating programs that…

Indiana Developing Online Dashboard to Boost K-12 Attendance

Indiana Developing Online Dashboard to Boost K-12 Attendance

An early warning dashboard will be available to Indiana’s K-12 districts before the 2024-2025 academic year to help identify students who are at risk of not graduating on time due to chronic absenteeism and other issues, according to a news release.  Delivery to all districts is planned for the start of the 2024-2025 academic year….

Why Self-Directed Learning For Teachers Should Be Part Of Your Ongoing PD Program

Why Self-Directed Learning For Teachers Should Be Part Of Your Ongoing PD Program

In the rapidly evolving educational landscape, continuous professional growth is crucial for teachers. Self-directed learning opportunities not only bolster their teaching skills, but also empower them to take charge of their career paths. School leaders who support such flexible learning opportunities help foster innovation and cultivate a culture of lifelong learning — benefitting educators and students…

Supporting Students With Anxiety Conditions: Creating A Positive Learning Environment

Supporting Students With Anxiety Conditions Creating A Positive Learning Environment

Being a student in today’s world can be overwhelming. The pressures of achieving good grades, navigating social dynamics and participating in extracurricular activities can create anxiety levels that can affect mental health and academic performance. Anxiety is a common condition that can affect anyone, not just adults, and its effects can be seen in school-age…

Detroit Schools’ Multilayered Effort to Reduce Absenteeism

Detroit Schools' Multilayered Effort to Reduce Absenteeism

After missing four days of classes last fall at Gompers Elementary-Middle School, Jay’Sean Hull was called into the cafeteria with 100 other students with similar attendance records, according to a report in Chalkbeat Detroit. The group was introduced to attendance agent Effie Harris, a key figure in the school’s efforts to improve on a dismal statistic….