Why Teachers Avoid ChatGPT and Other AI Tools

More than half of educators—59 percent—are not currently using ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence tools, according to an EdWeek Research Center survey reported in Education Week. In additon, 37 percent of respondents—which included district and school leaders and teachers—say they have never used the tools and don’t plan to start. More than one in five—22…
Future of California High School Sports to Be Reviewed

The California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) state basketball championships in Sacramento marked the launch of committees by executive director Ron Nocetti to study the future of high school sports in California, according to Education Slice. These committees will examine various aspects, including transfers and competitive equity playoffs. Nocetti emphasized the CIF’s willingness to listen and make…
5 Strategies to Combat the Silent Crisis of Disengaged Students

Student disengagement is a complex problem that demands more than a one-dimensional solution. It calls for a proactive approach from school administrators to understand and address the root causes, writes Michelle Singh CEO of LCT-E Learning Solutions, a teacher professional development consulting firm, in Education Week. “When I teach educators how to combat student disengagement…
Survey: Students Want More Guidance from Teachers on Using AI

Most kids have at least some understanding of what generative artificial intelligence is and how it can be used, but they also want more help from adults in learning how to use the tools properly, concludes a new survey from the nonprofit National 4-H Council, as reported by Education Week. Before being given a description…
Teaching English Learners Needs New Approach as Numbers Surge

At Lew Wallace School 107, principal Arthur Hinton sees students come from all over the world, according to Chalkbeat Indiana. Roughly 70% of the 509 students are classified as English language learners, a population that has only increased since Hinton arrived in 2020. More than a quarter of the district’s students are now classified as…
Can Inquiry-Based Learning Equip Students for Real-World Challenges?

Imagine a classroom where students are not passive listeners, but active investigators. They grapple with real-world phenomena, ask questions, conduct experiments and uncover scientific principles through their own exploration. This is the reality of inquiry-based learning (IBL), a pedagogy transforming high school science education, according to K-12 Dive. IBL empowers teachers too. By shifting the…
Tracking Teacher Morale, Enthusiasm & Confidence

The teaching profession—a workforce of 3 million—is at an inflection point that could shape the course of the profession, according to Education Week. For the past few years, teachers have reported high levels of burnout and disillusionment—borne initially from the hardships of teaching in a pandemic and exacerbated by the escalating academic, social, and mental…
How “Play Theory” Intertwines with Learning

When we’re young, playing and learning are inseparable, according to The Hechinger Report. Then, somewhere around early elementary school, learning and play become separated for life. Learning becomes a task that only takes place in proper classrooms with the help of textbooks, homework and tests. Play becomes a distraction that we’re only allowed to indulge…
A Go-To National Program for Mental Health Support

When thousands of Syrian families fleeing violence resettled in Canada several years ago, Ontario’s school mental health agency wanted to give schools tools to help refugee children process their traumatic journeys and adjust to their new lives, according to Chalkbeat Colorado. Kids were bursting into tears and struggling to explain how they felt. Parents, too,…
Here Comes the Digital SAT

As SAT season kicks off, students across the United States for the first time will take it with computers and tablets, according to Education Slice. The digital SAT’s launch comes as its administrator, the College Board, and backers of standardized tests, hope to win over schools and critics who are skeptical of its place in…