Confront the Pressure to Change Grades

Teachers give students the grades they believe they deserve—but many are then pressured to change them by administrators, parents, and students themselves, according to Education Week. About 4 in 10 teachers report receiving pressure in the last year from parents and students to change grades, and more than a quarter of teachers say they’ve received…
How to Separate Fact from Fiction in the “Science of Reading”

Claude Goldenberg, a professor emeritus at Stanford University, critically examines the polarized views surrounding the “science of reading” in an article for EdSource. He points out the oversimplification and misinformation plaguing the debate from both advocates and skeptics of this approach. Advocates often claim unwarranted certainty, such as suggesting that science-backed methods can universally elevate students…
How to Innovate the Education System by Strengthening Accountability

The K-12 education system is putting more rigor into accountability systems after years of lowered expectations. There is much opportunity for innovation, but it is a process that takes time and commitment, said state education leaders speaking during a panel at the Reagan Institute Summit on Education, as reported in K-12 Dive. Speakers emphasized there…
Recess Restlessness: How to Improve Playtime

Many children today are uncertain of what to play or how to initiate and end games, according to K-12 Dive. Conflicts arise about rules and who are the winners. The pandemic, educators say, stunted young children’s natural play development. Educators, pediatricians and play advocates encourage schools to be more mindful and intentional about positive student-led…
Here’s What Students Want and Need over the Summer

A recent survey of tutors, learners and parents reveals an strong drive across the board for more academic support, as well as a desire for flexible, self-directed learning and regular assessments, according to eSchool News. A recent survey from tutoring network Superprof uncovers insights into what U.S. students want–and need–to learn over the summer. Key…
‘Gap Busters’: Charter School Authorizers Help Students Achieve More

“Four years after the pandemic rocked America’s education system, students continue to post lackluster test scores and far-from-adequate learning gains,” writes Karega Rausch, president and CEO of the National Association of Charter School Authorizers, in The 74. “I have no doubt that the summer will be filled with reflection and plans to tackle this challenge…
America’s Biggest Education Changes Are Happening in Houston

The changes in Houston Independent School District rival some of the most significant shake-ups to a public school system ever, according to Governing. The changes experienced by the 180,000-plus students throughout HISD this school year are the result of the most significant state takeover of a school district in American history. HISD’s state-appointed superintendent and…
5 Ways to Restore Your Passion for Teaching

Summer offers an opportune time to recharge and avoid adding to educator burnout, write Ben Talsma and Jamie MacPherson, learning specialists at the Van Andel Institute for Education, in the eSchool News. “When summer finally rolls around and the last bell rings, we teachers can often find ourselves at a loss. Our instinct tells us…
Classroom Churn Linked to Decline in Third Grade Test Scores

When more students move in and out of the classroom midyear, third grade test scores tend to decline, according to a study at the Colorado Futures Center at Colorado State University, as reported in Education Slice. The study found that higher classroom churn, when students leave or join a classroom midyear, is correlated with lower…
Reinventing Report Cards: Reading, Writing, Collaborating & Other Skills

A movement to throw out traditional A-F grades in favor of tracking high school students as they gain mastery of academic and life skills is gaining momentum, with five states and powerful players joining forces to advance it, according to The 74. In place of A-F grades, the aim is a portable transcripts or wallet,…