Creating change doesn’t have to be costly or complicated. Steve Bollar shares practical ideas to create massive change in your school without spending a lot or planning huge initiatives. Steve provides his insights on how to rejuvenate the climate and culture in your school while being creative, unique, and fun. Discover ideas that can be implemented right away (without months-long planning) to improve the morale, culture and climate in your school.
Training Modules:
Introduction | Culture and Climate | Results Formula Part 1 | Results Formula Part 2 | Results Formula Part 3 | Results Formula Part 4 | Compliance and Commitment | Integrity | Students Recognition Ideas | Staff Recognition Ideas | School Atmosphere Ideas | Conclusion | Leadership
Steve Bollar, M.A., aka “Stand Tall Steve,” is an educational thought leader and master motivator. He works with forward-thinking organizations to generate new ideas, improve climate/culture and maximize leadership skills. His quick wit, experience and in-depth knowledge make him an in-demand speaker. Steve has experienced first-hand the importance of a healthy school culture as teacher, principal and superintendent. He is a member of the Jostens Renaissance Hall of Fame and was named one of South Jersey’s Top 20 Men of the Year. Steve is the author of Ideas, Ideas, Ideas, which has helped schools throughout North America improve their culture.