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Self-regulation is a universal set of skills necessary for academic and career success, emotional control and healthy social interaction.

Self-regulation is the ability to manage your thoughts, emotions and behaviors in order to achieve long-term goals. By regulating your physical, emotional and cognitive processes in healthy, pro-active ways you are more inclined to be successful in school, at work and in your personal life.


Why Self-Regulation?

“If you had only 5 or 10 minutes to spend helping an individual, what is the most important set of skills you could teach?”

The answer, according to Brad Chapin, LCP, MLP – a masters level psychologist, recognized speaker and the Director for Children's Services at a regional mental health center: Self-Regulation.

By teaching students and adults concrete skills to apply in the face of challenge, you help them achieve success in all areas of their lives.





Physical Regulation

Skill #1 – Warning Signs
Skill #2 – Create Safe and Calm Emotional Regulation


Emotional Regulation

Skill #3 – Label Emotions
Skill #4 – Take Ownership of Emotions
Skill #5 – Express Emotions in Healthy Ways


Cognitive Regulation

Skill #6 – Regulate Unhealthy Thoughts
Skill #7 – Get Needs Met in Healthy Ways

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12 hours

Statistically significant increase in self-regulation skills after just 12 lessons (6 contact hours)! 

Based on a pilot study of fourth grade classrooms.


Reduction of office discipline referrals by 83%. 

Based on a pilot study of fourth grade classrooms.

Bring ThisTraining To Your School!

Brad Chapin, LCP, MLP


Brad Chapin

Brad Chapin is a masters level psychologist and a recognized thought leader in the area of Self-Regulation. He is also Director of Clinical Services at a large regional medical center. The author of four books including Helping Young People Learn Self-Regulation, Brad is the creator of the Self-Regulation Training System. He is an international speaker, blogger and consultant on utilizing engaging, creative interventions from an evidence-based framework to help children succeed.

Self-Regulation Skillset

Learn More

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Self-Regulation Training System

Self-regulation is the ability to manage your thoughts, emotions and behaviors in order to achieve long-term goals. By regulating your physical, emotional and cognitive processes in healthy, pro-active ways you are more inclined to be successful in school, at work and in your personal life.
Insights 12 600x400 A day in the life

Self-Regulation for Educators

Give your teachers, counselors and administrators creative, fresh and engaging approaches to help students build the skills to navigate emotions and manage behavior successfully.

K 12 Tech Innovation Drives Paradigm Shift in Education

Self-Regulation Resources

Provide your educators with practical tools to help students to learn and practice seif-regulation skills. Resources include lessons, activities and worksheets for teaching the essentials of responsible decision-making and self-control.