If a child believes they are bad, they’ll likely act that way because that’s the role they think they’re supposed to play, writes Dr. George Philhower, the superintendent of Eastern Hancock Schools, a rural district located just east of Indianapolis, in eSchool News.
Labels can become self-fulfilling prophecies, he writes. A child is labeled “troubled,” “difficult,” or “a bad kid,” and suddenly, that label becomes their identity. “But what if we flipped the script? What if we focused on what they could do right? What if we saw every child not for their past mistakes but for their future potential?” wrote Philhower.
“Our education system and society have never been able to afford to write off any child as a lost cause. Each child has inherent worth, potential and goodness. But for some, they simply haven’t realized it yet. As educators, parents and community members, it’s our job to help them see it,” Philhower writes.
“I’ve seen too many children who have been given up on, whose potential has been buried under layers of neglect, misunderstanding and sometimes outright rejection. These kids aren’t ‘bad;’ they’re just lost and need guidance to find their way back to the path of goodness within them.
“Kids live up to–or down to–the expectations set for them. If we can convince them that they’re good and have something valuable to contribute, they’ll begin to see themselves in a new light.
“The adults in their lives need to be their mirrors, reflecting the potential we see in them. This doesn’t mean ignoring their mistakes or overlooking their wrongdoings. It means addressing those issues and focusing on growth and improvement, not punishment and shame.
“This approach isn’t about coddling or lowering expectations. It’s about raising the bar differently. It’s about believing in a child’s ability to grow, learn and improve. It’s about understanding that every child’s journey is different; some take longer to find their way than others.
“In our schools, we need to foster environments where every child knows they’re good, even if they haven’t figured it out yet. This means building strong, trusting relationships with students, providing consistent support and encouragement, and creating opportunities for them to succeed in ways that matter to them. It means being patient, persistent and unwavering in our belief in their potential.
“The next time you hear someone say, “He’s not a bad kid,” add to it: “He just doesn’t know he’s a good kid yet.” Then commit to helping that child discover the truth of those words. Because every child deserves to know they’re good, and once they do, the possibilities are endless,” Philhower writes.
eSchool News