How Modern Data Can Improve Student Outcomes

How Modern Data Can Improve Student Outcomes

Tracking and managing data plays a critical role in the success of students, so now more than ever, there is a fundamental need for districts to implement a modern solution partner to do that heavy lifting, writes Keith Pomeroy, the Chief Administrative Officer for Upper Arlington Schools in Columbus, OH, in eSchool News. Intelligent educational software instantly recognizes patterns in data, even when they are not immediately apparent. This can be crucial for identifying trends, correlations, or factors influencing student performance that might be overlooked by manual analysis. 

Here are three ways a modern data solution can improve student outcomes in your district:    

Create collaboration among stakeholders

A solution that centralizes, consolidates, and synthesizes data can drive conversation among school counselors, psychologists, administrators, intervention specialists, classroom teachers, and anyone else invested in students’ success. Seeing students’ data through a variety of different lenses ultimately enables classroom teachers to make informed decisions and improve the overall learning experience for students—and this can be initially accomplished through the use of a few key dashboards. 

A dashboard that tells the story of the whole child allows teachers to share data-driven insights with students and families, providing a clear picture of academic progress. Seeing a report card once a semester isn’t enough for families to understand how their kids are doing, and a modern data solution allows families to see trends over time in academics, mental health, attendance, and more.

Identify patterns for at-risk students to provide real-time support

No student can be evaluated for at-risk behavior by test scores alone. By tracking attendance, behavioral patterns, mental health, grades, and other key markers, educators can pinpoint students who may be struggling and intervene before issues escalate.

The software provides data in real-time—which is crucial for identifying students at risk of academic challenges or dropping out. The proactive approach of using consistent dashboards each week allows teachers to quickly see which students are in the at-risk category, and drive immediate conversations about those specific students.

Create individualized support and pathways 

A modern data solution can create personalized student experiences by tailoring educational content, support, and interactions to meet individual needs and preferences. The software can do a deep dive into each student’s history and instantaneously outline what’s needed to reach personal goals in academics, career readiness, and social-emotional skill building.

Teachers can also explore using a modern data solution to help students easily connect with community partners, courses, or other resources. This includes students accessing opportunities like job shadowing, career mentorship, informational interviews, internships, and practicums. As schools are finding value by weaving in a variety of student-centered experiences with real-life and relevant learning activities into their curriculum, students can use the software to log hours and keep them on track. 

 eSchool News

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