Here’s What Students Want and Need over the Summer

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A recent survey of tutors, learners and parents reveals an strong drive across the board for more academic support, as well as a desire for flexible, self-directed learning and regular assessments, according to eSchool News.

A recent survey from tutoring network Superprof uncovers insights into what U.S. students want–and need–to learn over the summer.

Key findings from the new survey include:

  1. A majority of respondents said that academic performance is the overwhelming reason for undertaking summer learning. Around 20 percent of students still in school said they were eager to explore new subjects or interests and 45 percent of adult learners said the same. However, a combined total of 69 percent said their primary motive was to prepare for upcoming courses, develop better study skills or improve their grades. Parents echoed these sentiments, with 60 percent prioritizing course preparation for their children over the summer and 20 percent encouraging exploration of new subjects or interests.
  2. Time management is the critical challenge to summer learning, with 65 percent of learners expressing a strong preference for flexible, self-directed learning. Despite this desire for flexibility, a vast majority (80 percent) also stated the importance of regular assessments, quizzes, and checkpoints to ensure they are on the right track.
  1. A strong majority of learners (60 percent) identified tutors as the most helpful support for achieving their summer goals, with educational apps or software (10 percent) and online courses or tutorials (21 percent) also mentioned.
  2. Math and foreign languages are the academic subjects students are most eager to tackle over the summer. Identifying the subjects where students lost the most learning over the pandemic, tutors highlighted math (34 percent) and English language arts (22 percent) as the primary subjects still needing attention this summer, while students prioritize foreign language (28 percent) and math (24 percent).


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