Detroit Schools’ Multilayered Effort to Reduce Absenteeism

Detroit Schools Multilayered Effort to Reduce Absenteeism

After missing four days of classes last fall at Gompers Elementary-Middle School, Jay’Sean Hull was called into the cafeteria with 100 other students with similar attendance records, according to a report in Chalkbeat Detroit. The group was introduced to attendance agent Effie Harris, a key figure in the school’s efforts to improve on a dismal statistic….

Teacher Shortage Revives “Zoom-in-a-Room”

Teacher Shortage Revives Zoom in a Room

Online instruction in school has for years linked students to subjects they otherwise couldn’t take, such as A.P. Calculus or Latin. But districts are increasingly using online technology platforms to teach core subjects – a consequence of the ongoing shortage of teachers, according to a report posted by The 74. More than 40 percent of the…

Want to Fix Bad Behavior? Stop Punishing Students

Want to Fix Bad Behavior Stop Punishing Students

Bad student behavior “continues to escalate,” said Matt Cretsinger, director of special services for the Marshalltown Community School District, in an article in Education Next. “There are more behavioral needs than we’ve ever seen… it’s a shock to teachers.” The numbers tell the story. “We’re suspending kids like there’s no tomorrow; we’re giving detentions even more…

ChatGPT Is Omnipresent In One District – Here’s What It Looks Like

ChatGPT Is Omnipresent In One District – Heres What It Looks Like

ChatGPT has found a home in the Wichita district in Kansas, according to an article in Education Week. The district has integrated artificial intelligence technology into almost every aspect of daily life. The 50,000-student district embraced the new technology soon after it was introduced last year. And the district has no plans on stopping. Rob Dickson,…

Robots Programmed by Students Ease Staff Shortage Strain

Robots Programmed by Students Ease Staff Shortage Strain

Grapevine-Colleyville (Texas) independent school district students are learning practical technology skills to ease staffing shortages in its facilities and maintenance department, according to an article in EdTech magazine.  The district’s Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Kyle Berger is using robots programmed by students in the district to automate tasks such as cutting the grass and cleaning the floors…

Learning through Unguided Play

Insights 1 UnguidedPLay

Unguided play (remember those long ago days after school?) within time limits can give students the ability to explore, discover and invent on their own, according to an article in K-12 Dive. Teachers can observe and offer mild suggestions, then step back if they see a point where a lesson can be scaffolded in, says…

How Extroverted Teachers Can Engage Introverted Students

Insights 1 Introverted

Middle school English teacher Brett Vogelsinger, working at Central Bucks School District outside Philadelphia for more than 20 years, has seen the concepts of introversion and extroversion become more widely understood, according to a report by KQED. An extrovert by nature, Vogelsinger said it took him “a while to realize that someone can engage rigorously…

Augmented and Virtual Reality Are Changing the Learning Experience

Insights 1 AR VR

Immersive, experiential technology is changing how both students and teachers learn, according to an article in eSchool News. Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR and VR) are capable of providing deeper engagement, opportunities for collaboration and hands-on learning that places newly acquired knowledge and skills in context. For students, AR and VR can make abstract concepts…

A Simple Fix Could Help Anxious Kids

Insights 1 SimpleFix

A father in suburban Kentucky let his 12-year-old daughter walk two houses down to her friend’s place. At the end of the play date, the other girl’s mom walked her home, just to be safe, according to an article in The New York Times. There are many reasons for this clampdown on kids, including the…