Ways AI Tech Can Help in the Classroom

Ways AI Tech Can Help in the Classroom

Here are some simple ways Sarah Connell Sanders, a teacher writing in the Worcester (Mass) Magazine, is using artificial intelligence to go beyond disruption and strive for sustained innovations in her classroom. “AI can provide dozens of alternative suggestions for writing lesson plans and save an awful lot of time. Tools such as ‘Magic Bus’ allow me to refine and improve…

Wi-Fi On the Way to School

Wi Fi On the Way to School

More school buses across the country could be fitted with Wi-Fi after a recent vote by the Federal Communications Commission. In a 3-2 vote along party lines, commissioners will allow school districts to use money from the E-Rate program, which helps schools and libraries buy affordable broadband, toward Wi-Fi and supported devices on buses, according…

Indiana High School Builds Education-to-Entrepreneurship Pipeline

Indiana High School Builds Education to Entrepreneurship Pipeline

Interest in entrepreneurship was growing among high schoolers at Warren Central High School, Warren, IN. The school responded this year by creating a new pathway where students can launch their own businesses. Plus, they earn up to 16 college credits — roughly a full semester of classes, according to Chalkbeat Indiana. Indiana education leaders are pushing…

A Crucial Factor in Reducing Chronic Absenteeism

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Schools fighting a surge in chronically absent students should focus on strengthening the bonds they have with parents, according to recent research. Schools that had the strongest ties with families before the recent rise in chronic absenteeism are less likely to be experiencing those high absence levels today, according to Education Week. These are some…

What Socrates Can Teach us about K-12 Instruction

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Back when Socrates was doing his thing in ancient Greece, teaching was a simple proposition, writes Rich Hess, director of Education Policy Studies at the American Enterprise Institute, in an article in Education Week. Students sat and listened. Teachers talked and questioned. That was it. Teachers had a chance to get very good at talking…

Proposed: How Michigan Teacher Evaluations Would Change under Reforms

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Teacher evaluation reform bills in Michigan would de-emphasize student test scores, according to Chalkbeat Detroit. Current state law requires that student scores on standardized tests count for 40 percent of a teacher’s performance rating. Under two bills that passed the Senate, that requirement would go away, and districts would be able to use their own…

How to Teach in the World of Generative AI

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While there are many reasons to be cautious about generative AI, it’s quickly becoming a fact of modern life. Banning it entirely within schools might be futile or even do a disservice to some students when such tools become normalized outside the K-12 context, according to Paper, an educational support system. So, how should public…

10 Tips for Calming Classroom Chaos

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Cossondra George is a 7th grade math and social studies teacher and school technology leader at Newberry Middle School in Newberry, Michigan. Here she presents in an Education Week article ten “stolen” secrets borrowed from other teachers to keep the classroom running fairly smoothly: 1. Have specific places for students to turn in work. “This…

Longer Days: Making up for COVID Learning Loss

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A year ago, school would have been over and students at Columbus East Elementary in Chicago’s west suburb would be walking out the door. But this year, a group of fifth graders were instead sitting on the school’s stage, reading aloud about the life of Rosa Parks as they worked on reading fluency and comprehension….

Ed Tech Spend Projected at $132.4B Globally by 2032

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K-12 ed tech spending is expected to skyrocket in market worth from $14.8 billion in 2022 to $132.4 billion globally in 2032, according to a recent report by Market.Us, a consulting and market research company, as reported by K-12 Dive. Increased demand for personalized and online learning that emerged from the pandemic is driving the boom….