What’s Needed to Build Rapport with Students

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Building rapport — a sense of connection, friendliness and trust — is important, but it must pay dividends beyond the teacher-student relationship. Students must like or least care for each other says Heather Schwartz, practice specialist at the Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning, writing in K-12 Dive. Establishing rapport is foundational. Schwartz says…

Strategies to Foster Innovation and a Culture of Continuous Improvement

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These six principles can empower school leaders to drive innovation and achieve more meaningful outcomes in the field of education, according to an article in Education Executive. 1 Embrace disruption Challenge the status quo. Just because “it’s always been done like this” doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the most effective approach. Ask yourself: Why has it…

Need AI Guidance? Consider a List of 93 Questions and a Toolkit

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Most districts in the country have not released guidance for the use of artificial intelligence in schools, despite the increasing use of such technology, according to Education Slice. Only five states have provided AI guidance: California, North Carolina, Oregon, Washington, and West Virginia. Others, including Iowa, Montana, North Dakota, and Wyoming have declined due to…

5 Tech-Centric Ways to Create Calmer Learning Environments

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As classroom technology continues to evolve, educators and school mental health professionals can use these strategies to help students navigate their digital world with purpose, according to eSchool News. Here is how technology can relieve brain overload: 1) Mental health check-ins to start class Well-being check-ins at the beginning of class can be a way to…

Young Students Lagging on School Readiness

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Early elementary schoolchildren who were age one to four in Spring 2020, when the pandemic disrupted education, continue to show a lack of school readiness in math and reading skills, according to a report in Education Slice. According to fall 2023 results from assessment company Curriculum Associates, more kindergartners in fall 2023, those who were…

How to Empower Staff and Students with a Sense of Belonging

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“The relationships we cultivate with students and staff members are the most powerful tool we have to create the sense of belonging,” writes Sarah Mathew, Senior Executive Director of Outreach and Partnerships, Care Solace, in a post appearing in eSchool News. “Belonging is a fundamental human need. We are all searching for a sense of…

Use These 5 Strategies to Reduce Teacher Stress and Improve Retention

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Teaching has always been a stressful, but since the pandemic it has become even more so, according to eSchool News. According to research, 59 percent of teachers say they’re burned out and 28% reported experiencing symptoms related to depression (compared to 17% of the workforce in non-teaching occupations). The stress that teachers are feeling is…

How to Bridge the “Math Enjoyment Gap”

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A YouthTruth project that contains survey responses from 90,000 high school students seeks to help educators bridge the math enjoyment gap, according to K-12 Dive. The YouthTruth Math Learning and Identity Project spent 15 months gathering data on three fronts:  A comprehensive student experience survey issued to nearly 90,000 high school students during the 2022-23…

“Roadschoolers”: When RVs Become Classrooms & Travel Emphasizes Education

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A growing number of families don’t let having school-age children get in the way of seeing the U.S. — or even the world, according to The 74. These “roadschoolers” say their well-traveled kids are getting far more knowledge and real-life experience than they ever could from a book, a computer or even a typical classroom…

3 Digital Divides that Educators Must Address – and Here’s How

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A new U.S. Department of Education National Technology Plan urges educators to use ed tech to enable engaged, hands-on learning and urges states and districts to upgrade training, planning time, and technical support to make it happen, according to Chalkbeat Tennessee. More than 90% of secondary students and more than 80% of elementary students have…