8 Tech Skills Every Student Should Possess, According to Educators

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Educators have noticed that many students are missing basic technology skills and media literacy—such as typing on a keyboard, searching the web, determining if an online source is legitimate, or writing an effective email message, according to Education Week. ““In our digital classrooms, it’s all about giving students the tools they need to navigate and…

School Discipline: Pay Attention to Well-Behaving Students and Misbehaving Peers

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School discipline might be the hardest education issue to find common ground, writes Michael J. Petrilli in Education Next. “That shouldn’t be surprising, given how divisive our country’s debate has been on the related issue of criminal justice and law enforcement,” says Petrilli, president of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute, visiting fellow at Stanford University’s…

Don’t Forget Teachers’ Personal Experiences with Stress, Burnout and Trauma

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In 2023, a groundbreaking study by Monash University revealed the extent of trauma and burnout are among Australian teachers, with 45% of teachers reporting their own personal history of trauma, according to Education Online. According to the study, which surveyed 302 Australian primary and secondary school teachers, more than 80% of teachers had supported at…

How to Foster Students’ Sense of Learning with Purpose

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A 16-year-old boy told his father a story that was upsetting him. He had asked his friend, “What do you plan to do for a career in the future?” “I have no idea,” his friend replied. “Maybe I’ll just continue to work with my uncle.” That was a fallback option; not one driven by a…

Build Caring Relationships So Students Will Say What’s on Their Minds

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A Chicago teacher turned counselor noticed that students who struggled in class were often dealing with a problem outside of school, according to Chalkbeat Chicago. She learned that if she built a relationship they would sometimes open up. Former English teacher Marlita Ingram has been a counselor for the past 18 years. She helps students…

Schools Push for More Tutoring

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During the two years that COVID-19 has upended school for millions of families, education leaders have increasingly touted one tool as a means of compensating for lost learning: personalized tutors. As a growing number of state and federal authorities pledge to make high-quality tutoring available to struggling students, tutoring demonstrates positive, if modest, results from…

Biden-⁠Harris Administration Announces Improving Student Achievement Agenda for 2024

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The Biden-Harris Administration has announced its Improving Student Achievement Agenda for 2024, which is focused on proven strategies that will accelerate academic performance for every child in school, according to a fact sheet issued by the White House. The Administration is laying out an agenda for academic achievement for every school in the country, using…

Anonymous Reporting Does Prevent School Shootings

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Anonymous reporting systems used by schoolchildren to report concerning behavior among their peers has resulted in the prevention of numerous instances of suicide, school violence and planned attacks, according to a new study, as reported in Education Slice. Researchers studied date from the Say Something Anonymous Reporting System, operated by the violence prevention group Sandy…

Indiana Confronts Extreme Chronic Absenteeism

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More than a third of Indiana high school seniors and 1 in 5 K-12 students were chronically absent last year, according to an article in The 74. Half of students in 84 Indiana schools were chronically absent last year. Chronic absenteeism is defined as when students miss at least 10% of school days, or 18…

Taking a Data-Driven Approach to Improve IEPs


Educators generate and collect student Individualized Education Program (IEP) data daily for students with an identified disability, according to eSchool News. Because of the number of stakeholders involved in the IEP development and implementation, student data sets may exist in case files, spreadsheets or several software programs. Some school leaders house their data in systems…