Visible Leadership is Essential in K-12 Education

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Leadership guides the course toward success for students, educators, and communities in the complicated education roadmap. Visible leadership is not just an administrative function but a transformative force within school, says Matthew X. Joseph is the assistant superintendent of teaching and learning at New Bedford Public Schools in Massachusetts, writing in District Administration. As assistant…

This 5-Minute Teaching Routine Has a Lasting Impact

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What if someone told teachers that engaging in a daily classroom ritual with students that takes less than five minutes and requires little to no training could improve your students’ mood and behavior immediately, make them more likely to engage in learning, according to Education Week. It’s a simple practice that involves greeting each student…

Avoid Chaos in the Age of AI: 8 Tips for Schools

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AI is here, and slowing down isn’t an option.” That’s what Washington state’s schools chief Chris Reykdal wrote in his introduction to the state’s artificial intelligence guidance for K-12 schools, according to Education Week. While more teachers are trying out the technology, a majority say they haven’t used AI tools at all, according to the…

Put the Public Back into Education

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In K-12 schools, parents and grandparents frequently volunteer as chaperones, class parents, or mystery readers. These interactions allow children to see adults support their education and allow adults to stay connected to their learners’ school experience, according to Forbes. More substantive school-community relationships can boost student outcomes, invigorate instruction, and benefit the entire community. CommunityShare…

My Math Teacher Saved my Life by Refusing to Let Me Fall through the Cracks

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First Person is where Chalkbeat features personal essays by educators, students, parents, and others thinking and writing about public education. I was 12 when I thought everyone had given up on me, according to a personal essay written by Xandra Harbet a journalist appearing in Chalkbeat Tennessee. Feeling like a burden to my family, my…

Driving Change and Innovation in K-12: 5 Trends

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“The societal changes unfolding before us, fueled by technological innovation and our evolving needs, compel us to reimagine educational paradigm designed for a bygone industrial age,” Garrett Smiley, CEO of Sora Schools, said in the company’s new report which outlines some of the latest trends and driving forces shaping K12 innovation today, according to District…

Another Meeting? Unfocused and Disjointed Staff Meetings Can Use these 5 Strategies

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Michael Nelson is the assistant executive director for the Washington Association of School Administrators (WASA). Peter DeWitt is a former K-5 public school principal turned author, presenter, and leadership coach. They co-wrote an opinion piece in Education Week. There are two questions we hear frequently from principals and teachers when we visit schools. Those questions…

6 Strategies to Fix the K-12 Teacher Experience

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Fostering an engaging K-12 teacher experience should be a foundational expectation in every education leader’s role, but leaders often lack the right training and resources, according tp Gallup surveys. Driven by the complex reasons educators leave the profession, Gallup researchers revisited data from nationally representative surveys and identified six key elements of the K-12 workplace that leaders…

Embed Conflict Resolution in Classrooms

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Building conflict resolution into curriculum can equip students with a skill they can carry beyond school into the working world, according to K-12 Dive. One way to implement conflict resolution strategies is making time to practice them before they’re needed, said Claire Schu, senior manager of implementation support at the Collaborative for Academic, Social and…

3 Strategies to Boost Student Engagement

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Survey results and anecdotes suggest that students have been less engaged in school since the pandemic. Two teachers—Alejandro Diasgranados, an elementary teacher in the District of Columbia, and Ann Stiltner, a high school special education teacher in Hamden, Conn.—shared some practical strategies for how to motivate students and get them engaged in their learning during…