Online training to build social-emotional skills, support positive student behavior and protect staff and students.
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On-demand master classes on social-emotional learning, classroom management, teaching strategies and more.
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AccuTrain’s on-site workshops will help your educators develop the skills to manage student behavior challenges in a way that supports students.
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Inspire and energize your educators with personalized instruction on how to support at-risk students.
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Help educators develop the skills and knowledge to promote positive mental health and ensure every student feels safe and supported.
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AccuTrain experts will inspire and energize your educators with personalized instruction on school culture & leadership.
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Help educators transform classroom management with a proven system that empowers students to own their behavior and academic performance.
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RCD Connect online courses reinforce the foundations of Responsibility-Centered Discipline and help educators strengthen communication skills and build positive, supportive relationships with students.
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Bring a new level of motivation to your students with SEL Smart Connect interactive lessons delivered via digital whiteboard or computer.
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Choose from more than 25 thumballs to create engaging discussion in your classroom and make learning fun.
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YouthLight’s activity workbooks are designed to engage students with fun ways to learn social and emotional skills.
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YouthLight’s curricula books contain lesson plans on social emotional learning for quick and easy use in the classroom, small groups or one-on-one.
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Learn innovative insights and best practices from K-12 experts to help sharpen your skills.
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Discover how AccuTrain professional development resources can support your staff.
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AccuTrain provides insightful, inspiring and often entertaining professional development experiences featuring the greatest minds in education.
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We are committed to the values that define our culture: service to educators, lifelong learning, innovation, teamwork, fun and well-being.
Explore More >In this online course, Dr. Debbie Silver discusses the importance of building resiliency, efficacy, perseverance and tenacity in all learners. Through story, research and engaging demonstrations — delivered with her trademark humor and heart – she emphasizes the importance of utilizing proven learning theories to improve instruction and assessment. Debbie shares feedback strategies you can use to teach every student to succeed — so that even if they fall down 7 times, they will get up 8!
By the end of this course, participants will be able to: explain the difference between effective and ineffective feedback; revise feedback to make it more effective; clarify the relationships among self-efficacy, Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD), deliberate practice, growth mindset and improved learning; create concrete practices using these principles; formulate a plan for improved classroom feedback; and engage both high achievers and struggling students with proven techniques.
Training Modules:
Introduction | Empowering Self-Motivation | Reasonable Chance at Success | Overcoming Learned Helplessness | Zone of Proximal Development | Constructive and Effective Feedback | Deliberate Practice | Growth Mindset | Fixed Mindset | Final Thoughts
Debbie Silver, Ed.D. is a funny, insightful and authentic educator and author. She has dedicated her life to understanding learning and growth behavior. Through her research and public speaking, she seeks to help teachers find joy in the daily job of teaching. With a career that has included stints as a teacher, staff development instructor and university professor, she is familiar with the challenges educators face from kindergarten through college. This former Louisiana Teacher of the Year has presented to audiences in 49 states, Canada, Mexico, Europe, the Middle East, Australia, Africa and Asia, helping educators to interact with students on a more meaningful level. Dr. Silver’s book, Drumming to the Beat of Different Marchers: Finding the Rhythm for Differentiated Learning has been recognized for its insights into research-based models and strategies. In her most recent book, Teaching Kids to Thrive: Essential Skills for Success, Dr. Silver and co-author Dedra Stafford illustrate how social-emotional learning can be woven into all subject areas in Grades K-12. While inspiring educators to enjoy their jobs, Dr. Silver reminds them of how important they are in the lives of children and their families. She believes that teachers need to have fun and stay in touch with their passion to make their biggest impact in the classroom.